Simple tricks to make your Instagram account attractive
Everyone loves being cool on social media no matter how much you suck in real life, people love to maintain cool social status to look attractive. So we bring you simple tricks that can help you achieve this mile stone.
1) profile picture:
Don’t put cheesy picture with your entire face covering the circle, act cool chose a pic which can cover top half of your body…write something on the photo if possible create curiosity, avoid using celebrities pick.
2)user name:
Be proud of your own name don’t act kiddish by keeping your user name “People_Call_Me_Name”
Write your name with anything along with it not as show above.
Try to write bio if possible..but don’t over do it with crazy shit.
If you don’t have anything to Bragg about yourself..they don’t write it, your still cool but never copy quotes this might make you look super dumb.
Suggestions on bio.
Write your zodiac or something passionate about yourself,limit it to couple of lines , avoid using excess emoji in bio.
4)Keep it real:
If you are a real celebrity then go Ahead, get a business account but don’t forget to get verified soon or later, this will add value to your account.
If not keep it simple, if you like posting exposing pictures of yourself try private options.
5)Real post:
Dont post everything that you capture though your phone, no one’s interested to see every photo of yours.
Don’t be a girl, don’t post too many selfies
Post something interesting, you in gym, you trekking, you traveling, you making love, you adopting pet looks generous.
6) Tag:
don’t tag millions of people or pages to get notified, don’t crave for attention. Keep it polished tag only if that person is in that picture along with you.
7) Hashtag:
#follow, #like4like #Desperate #GiveMeAttention #IWillDieAlone
Avoid using hashtag those are for 90s kids. People who loves you will like it weather you post it with tag or not.
8)Don’t over do it:
Instagram isn’t a beauty app , though it comes with multiple filters , its to high lite features in the photo , don tover do it and look like an alien. Few people try getting into adobe Photoshop and transform themselves into some other people as thought they are ashamed of how they look, try and keep it as real as possible.
Don’t start following everyone from Facebook who you have never meet in real life but somehow made them friend on Facebook, makes it super awkward when you see post of people whom you hardly know, Act cool dont keep count of people who follow you and then unfollow, act like you don’t care. follow those you care about and sure about they following you back.
10)Double Tap:
most user dont know that people who follow you can see what kinda post you like and whom you are following in the following section on application. So dont start double tapping on everything you like , Be chose be classy.
more you seek for attention , more desperate you look
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